So you want to make a movie, you get everything set up the times the places the equipment. All is well and should run smoothly. Yet deep in the under belles of your mind you know everything will go horribly airy. You get there on time you get everything set up your crew of one shows up and than wait where is the actor. An hour passes still not there. You go to his house and there he is sleeping in his bed. "Oh I forgot" Those wonderful sounding words. "I kind of over booked myself I have to leave for Payson in 30 minutes." That is perfect because you know who needs actors in their movies. Especially the main ones. You make a deal that he comes to shoot for 30 minutes and than go to Payson and just get back by 11:30. Ok well you got the first scene done in 30 minutes no problem right because you have to move locations anyway and set up in another house. Should work out great. Execpt he doesn't come back until 1:30. Oh joy. Now it is speeding through the scene to get it shot and having your crew leave and new people come in and it is all fun. Not to mention you are using new equipment you haven't used before and that seems to be a pain in the brain.

NEW EQUIPMENT (No it is not mine)
Of course your new equipment it totally awesome
By the end you want to jump for joy while popping your eyes from their sockets. Some how you actually finish the last shoot 30 minutes earlier than you had planned holy cow amazing.

And your daughter comes to play with cords while you wait for your main actor to get back from Payson.
Micah, are your anxiety juices running higher than your creative juices? I have no doubt that your movie will wow your proffs. Hang in there the semester is almost over!!!!
Murphy's Law works perfectly every time!! BUT...Murphy is only successful when we throw in the towel... happy filming...frustration and all!
"By the end you want to jump for joy while popping your eyes from their sockets" THIS LINE CRACKED ME UP!! I've been in that particular emotional place before, but when it's all over you'll be able to look back and laugh at it. You're a creative genius, and I'm POSITIVE that whomever has the privilidge to view your creation is going to LOVE it! Keep up the great film work, and don't stress too much-- You're doing great!!
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