Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Eden Post

Eden has a few consistent quirks that I wanted to share because they make me laugh

a) she loves to put things down her shirt
Dominoes are probably her favorite, but anything is free game. I'm grateful, however, she's yet to discover food as an option. Other common objects include bark and small toys.

B) Collecting objects in a specific area will entertain her for a long time. Here's a picture for clarification.
All the kitchen utensils found themselves on our deck. Another time all the crayons were put in her crib, toys onto a chair, or books onto the bed.

C) And this isn't a quirk but it's on the list anyways. She has a doll that she's began caring for. It mostly gets the cares that I give Eden. When it's time to put on shoes, the doll gets them too. Diaper changes, bottles, reading books, certain toys, and eating time, are all shared with Dolly.
She has a doll Elmo that is a substitute for 'Dolly' sometimes. I particularly enjoy this since it eliminates tears or running away that nearly always accompany diapering and clothes changes.


Alyson said...

How cute! I love it that she sticks stuff down her shirt! That's so funny!! Now if only I could find a suitable "dolly" for Jacen--changing time is a bit of a challenge! Eden is looking sooo grown up! I can't believe how fast these kids grow!

Anonymous said...

How fun to watch that interesting personality emerge! They are all so different and unique! She appears to be quite the character. I do not doubt she will keep you two on your toes for years to come! I am looking forward to getting better acquainted with this little organizing dumpling!!

Michelle said...

Way to organize Eden! Way to learn early in your youth. It looks like we might have a little baker with all those baking utencils together. Very clever.

Mama Tales said...

I can't wait to see her love her baby!!!

sarah said...

I think those blocks are adding up. Her belly seems to be really full!

lanita said...

The shirt thing is a crack-up. Don't you wish you could see what is going on in her mind when she makes the conscience decision to put something down her shirt? And by the way, you already DO have a BEAUTIFUL family!

Ruth said...

I love the doll "quirk". Too precious. :)

Kim said...

Becky--Kim Hatch here--remember me!? Found your blog through Nori's...your little family is adorably perfect, and your writing skills make for good reading! And since I lurked on your blog, it's only fair you should be able to lurk on mine! :) lucherinis.blogspot.com

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

What a fun personality Eden has, Becky. I'm glad you wrote down her "quirks". Wouldn't you love to know what yours and Micah's were. Her organization is so amusing to me.