Eden has begun a world of fakes. She's found a fake laugh that she uses at times of, 'oh, everyone else is laughing, I should too' or 'don't you think I'm funny?'. She uses fake pain as a method of attention and avoiding undesired events like buckling into a car seat or diaper changes by saying 'owie owie owie owie'. She fakes me out to pretend that she's going to give me something, hug, bite of food, etc. But my favorite is her fake smile, particularly for the camera....

Her eyes always go squinty (I wonder where she picked up that one?!) and the corners of her mouth pull down rather than up. It's my favorite now, but if it lasts as long as my nephew Seth, who's pictures run along the lines of Calvin and Hobbes, she may never grow out of it.
p.s. her adorable PJ's are from Micah's mom who's in Japan on a mission.
What a cute girl! It was so fun talking to you on the phone today. It was destined our siblings are to be so close too!
William has a fake laugh for when everyone else laughs- and he USED to have a fake cough if he wanted more attention. That's gone away though. Just left with one to deal with.
Oh Becky, that is sooo funny. What a cheeseball! Must run in the blood.
Oh Becky...what a funny thing to document. Glad you remembered to catch it.
I love her pajamas. They're great.
Hahahahahaha!!! --that about sums it up!! :-) She's a funny maker(!), just like her parents :-)
That is an amazing facial expression. You don't usually see smiles with the corners turned down :)
This one is so funny I had to add it to our blog under the grandchildren who are hilarious section. HAHAHA!
Let's see are there any other hams in the family????
Love y'all!
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