Becky's grandmother passed away last Tuesday and so this weekend she went to the funeral in Idaho Falls leaving me with homework and watching little Eden. I first I thought it would be a burden and wasn't really looking forward to watching her by myself all weekend but it turned out to be way fun. She was very well behaved and we had tons of fun together. Her favorite time was singing time which was basiclly all the time. Well at least most of the time. She watches the monkey jumping on the bed little video on Youtube a lot and yesterday I started singing it and she joined in with the words. It was way cute. I first I thought becky had taught her but when she got home I found that little Eden had never sang the words before. So we sang other songs too; like the snowman song, popcorn, pady cake, and head shoulders knees and toes. I was even able to get some footage. So enjoy.
5 years ago
So cute!! It was fun to talk to you-Becky- on the phone today! We'll have to do it again sometime! :)
Good work on getting your work done Micah!
wow she is getting really good at talking! I can't believe she is that big already... And Becky, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma... Let me know if you need anything!
That's too adorable!! This was the week for some daddy-daughter bonding!
I am so sorry about your grandma Becky. I am thinking this was your mother's mother? I knew she had not been well for some time. The video was darling Micah and I cannot believe how well she is talking! What a little sweetie. Give both your sweet girls a hug from this grandma, and hug yourself too!! Love ya all!
Why do guys always worry about watching their own children? :) She is a cutie, and talking so much. And I recognize the dress/shirt! It looks cute on her!
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