Life gets messy,
yup, with some frequency,
But there are two kinds of messy,
never confuse them or life gets testy....
There's one to laugh through:
when you're finger painting and every inch of the room turns blue
Life throws you a curve ball
you swing and you fall
you chuckle and wince
and are just glad you didn't split your pants...
Then there's the one to cry through
that you'll never repeat again without further ado
It's when you go digging for crap (yes as in-in a diaper)
and it's not just a mishap
It's only funny when life splashes us messy
But not when we go looking for the debris

But there are two kinds of messy,
never confuse them or life gets testy....
There's one to laugh through:
when you're finger painting and every inch of the room turns blue
Life throws you a curve ball
you swing and you fall
you chuckle and wince
and are just glad you didn't split your pants...
Then there's the one to cry through
that you'll never repeat again without further ado
It's when you go digging for crap (yes as in-in a diaper)
and it's not just a mishap
It's only funny when life splashes us messy
But not when we go looking for the debris

LOVE the poem. :) We had a finger paint issue at our house not too long ago either. Unfortunately it was unsupervised. The kids had climbed to the VERY top shelf of their closet and pulled down THE box. The one I had hidden (apparently NOT very well) for certain purposes. They quietly closed the door and proceeded to paint the brand new carpet in their room AND themselves, AND half their toys.
It took ALL the patience I could muster to not yell, throw things, and make them go outside naked in the cold. I did cry though. Luckily my family was coming that day to help us clean up and get ready for church (30 minutes later). So much for a peaceful Sunday morning.
Wow, that was really long. Sorry. :) I know how ya feel. :)
Hurray we are back on the blog!! Thanks for bringing us up to hearing of all the adventures of teaching and learning and laughing and crying...the stuff of life! Hugs to all!
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