I want to publish an apology....There have been no pictures! Technical difficulties. And what's a blog without picutres? I tell you it's a BLAAAAAHg! So bear with me as I try to apprehend an answer!
My mother and father are inhabitants of Spain for the next two weeks! For the first time Micah's parents in Japan may be closer to us for a season. It's an odd feeling; being parentless on the continent. Of course we don't feel parent-less, that's not what I want to imply. It's just a different kind of independence. Last night I get a phone call early in the morning, I dunno around 2? I have a neighbor with a sick baby I told she could call me anytime. So I jumped out of bed, nervous for the news. But it was my MOM!!! 'Hi!' she says.
'Mom?' I croak.
"are you okay? you sound so tired! are you sick?"
"um, *clear throat* well, it's just in the middle of the night here"
"OH HOH! I FORGOT! I 'm so sorry, so so so sorry. I just got so excited! Oh dear, I'm so sorry!"
She was in a grocery store of something and came across Micah's favorite chocolate bar. The coveted MILKA BAR. And was so excited to share the news with us, she called us right then and there! Do you know the sound of a person's voice when they are really excited? Talking so fast and about 2 octaves higher than they normally talk. I've heard my mom be excited before. But this, this was like she was 30 years younger and had all the energy in the world! It was the best thing to wake up to. I really wish I could see her in Spain, living it up. But then, she'd be back in mother role, and I'd ruin the opportunity. So here's to my parents, living the life!
p.s. BYU's bookstore sells milka bars! It's the creamiest chocolate you'll ever eat.
5 years ago
Get ready for a blog post entitle Ode to the Best Visiting Teacher/Neighbor/Friend EVER! Also, you didn't tell my why your mom was so excited! That makes perfect sense now! MILKA is Swiss, right? MMMMmmm. I LOVE Milka!
Milka bars are Jordon's absolute favorite too! I wonder if it is because they both served in Europe. I was ecstatic when I found them in the BYU bookstore. I've found them here at Walgreen's too.
Also, you are a good enough writer that pictures are not as necessary with your blog as they are with some (ahem, mine ;)
I can totally hear your mom saying "oh hoh!" Perfect! And how fun that they are in Spain! Lucky!!
Oh my gosh! Milka bars! They sell them in Argentina and I never noticed how GOOOD (yes, three o's they're that good) they are until I read this.
Mmmmh... I think my mouth is watering. I should go to the BYU's bookstore and get me some, then!
Ugh, now I miss Argentine candy again. :(
ahh, I'm jealous you got a wee hour morning call...haha. But no, for real. That's pretty cute that she just couldn't wait to tell you. Milka mouth is watering.
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