Eden is starting to sound like a big girl. She is using more common words and phrases. It's cracking me up and I'm seeing my baby disappear more and more. I write this with the risk of sounding like an over zealous mother; but, let's face it, I AM!
Eden's funny encountered scenarios:
--While cleaning the bathroom, I proceeded to wash the mirror and was quickly informed by Eden "That's MMMMMMy job!"
--She was chewing on a piece of ginger-yeah like ginger root. It was slightly candied but still a very strong flavor I didn't think she'd like. I found her chomping on a piece and keep trying to convince her it wasn't very tasty and she could spit it out if she wanted. she'd had enough and ended the debate with a finalized "I like it, OKAY?"
--I'd purchased some cheese bagels for lunch one day as a special indulging treat. Excited to have Eden taste one. She kept eating around the cheesy parts. When I asked her why, if she didn't like it, she answered, "They're yucky scabs".
--Eden and I were chatting about how Poppy was going to be comming in a few days and Aunt Michelle was going to be leaving. She excitedly asked, "Grammy comming too?" "No, not this time, just Poppy." Eden ponders for a moment and then shouts "Santa's comming too!" uuuuuuh, "No, Santa doesn't come until there's lots of snow outside". The next week it snowed.
--At the breakfast table, Michelle and I were explaining how we were sisters and who our parents are etc. It totally clicked for her. She said, "I want a sister too Mom." hehe. Then as Michelle was heading out the door Eden announced, "Moooooommmmm, your sister is leaving for schoooool"
--Michelle was slicing and dicing like the wind and Eden comments, "Wow, look at you go!" Then at the dinner table, "mmmmm, ya it's pretty tasty Michelle'.
--While playing inside, we hear the garbage truck going past. Eden's comment is, "It's taking away my POOPY DIAPERs"!
--During my birthday Micah says to Eden "I need to get a present for Mommy, do you want to come in the car with me to get it?" Eden's face lights up. "Is it a fruit snack?!" He chuckles and says no. Then she thinks a second more and shouts "Is it a DOLLY?!"
--She's memorized her first book! It's 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' by Eric Carl
5 years ago
It's always so fun to see kid's little personalities show as they grow into them. Too cute--it brought a smile to my face.
She is getting so big! She sounds like such a big girl. I loved the "I like it, okay!" Wow. Does it really go by that fast??!!
Oh I love it! and Brown Bear was Ethan's first memorized book too! I don't get it... I don't even have it memorized... I love all the things she is saying. and love that you shared them.. I write down most of the funny things my kids say, but rarely post them cause I thought maybe others wouldn't find it as cute and humorous as I did, but I assure you I think Eden's quotes were adorable. It makes me think, maybe I should blog about the funny things my kids say... So thanks for the laugh!
LOL - children are the BEST at "stand-up comedy"! :)
I don't know why my comments don't make it to post!!! My last effort was clever too. Today's try just says....I can't wait to see this not so baby girl!
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