She's figured out what to do with crayons besides eat them. On the left is her very first color picture. It didn't scan very well, but whatever. We already have begun the battle of coloring on everything besides paper. It's one of her favorite pass times, to color.
AND, on the days it's not snowing here, we go play on the slides. Every time we step outside, whether to do laundry or check the mail, going down the slides is on her mind. She will do it over, and over, and over.....a little monotonous for me, but her laugh totally wins me over. One time I glanced away, and she tried to go down a regular slide in her Eden fashion of head first. Don't you worry, my mother reflexes caught her before she could eat any bark. I think some science major out there should do a theses on which is faster: mother vs cat reflexes. Who do you think would win?
More, More, More.
She is so precious! Looks like you've got an artist on your hands! Any works of art of the cinderblock walls yet?
Her laugh certainly is a winner!! And I love seeing her sign "more"!! Good work Mama!
Yes she does that have that fearless streak....hmmm I am afraid you will have your hands full as I recall that you both can hand that to her genetically! The giggle is a charmer!! What a blessing are these little people!
Love you three!
It's great how every little thing your kid learns is so exciting! Eden is so cute.
I have the biggest, goofiest grin on my face right now. She's so cute I can hardly stand it. Really.
That's so awesome that she colors and goes down the slide like a big girl!! Jacen is a little. . . sensitive, and gets scared easily with the slide (and that's with me with him!). Hopefully one day he'll be as gung-ho as Eden! By the way, I think Mommy reflexes would TOTALLY win!
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