I hadn't been to work for a couple of weeks and was surprised to notice a few rooms empty. About once a month, I'd say, someone passes on. But this startled me since I wasn't there and active in their care. Life and Death go on without me. On the rehabilitation side, a specific patient was admitted yet once again. Sad for her, yes; but, I was glad to see her. She is so amazing to me. I hope that if/when I become sick I can follow her example. Let me preface this just by saying that her own physical/emotional health aren't ideal and has her own family troubles. There are 3 things I admire about her. 1) Everyday, she gets out of her room 2)Everyday she talks to some other patient 3)Frequently she finds some other way to serve another patient/nurse besides already conversing with them. I.e. once she anonymously made a blanket for another patient (which I think I've mentioned in a past post), made small talk with a patient with dementia, and another time she picked up some bubble gum for another patient which became the highlight of this other's week. I hope that when I'm that down, I still think of others. I specifically admire this after watching Elder Bednar's CES fireside linked here. He partly talked about how we should be using our God-given bodies to be with people rather than being acted upon by media of the world. Most of the residents watch TV all day. I also want to say that I do not judge them, because I've not been in their shoes, and I have my own sick days when I watch plenty of television. It just got me thinking. I am just so grateful for my body, and others who use theirs to serve me.
On a random side note....We made this snowman about 3 weeks ago and wanted to document it. A 6 foot snowman in April! The weather is terrific now I might add. And pictured with us are our neighbors Troy and Becky Tingy, we wish they could be our neighbors forever!
Yeah, that snow man made me laugh every time I passed it!I'm glad that you had a great Mother's day!
Awesome snowman, or is it the ghost of winters past?
Yeah, I watch different people get old and really hope I can do it gracefully. If I dont, turn me out in the snow in the middle of winter, Beck!
XO too much, POPS
We also listened to that fireside. I enjoyed the thoughts you shared- as they were slightly different from mine, so thank you for the further illustration and enlightenment. I love hearing Elder Bednar speak. I remember when he was called to be an apostle, you and Steph were SO excited! I didn't quite understand. Now that I've been able to listen and learn from him- I just love to hear him speak and I get so excited! NOW I understand!
Thanks for the great post. I look forward to each and every one! Love the snowman! I listened to the CES Fireside last week (even though I am old) and I loved it. So many things are a threat that were not even envisioned 50 years ago! His cautions and explanantions were fabulous! Love you all!
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