Saturday, 30 May 2009

It's my party

Oh, lots of fun things to tell with too few pictures to share! My parents and Michelle came in for a day and a half last weekend. I was super excited to see them. Michelle flew in from Paris to Salt Lake and my folks picked her up there to take her home to Washington. But I didn't know it was possible to be so spoiled in so short of time! We went out to eat, Michelle brought me back a simple surprise from Europe, we went swimming, and Mom and Dad bought us some sweeeet sweets. It was rejuvenating to see them.
Friday was my birthday. Micah didn't have classes and didn't go into work so the three of us spent a fabulous day together!!! He's kept the house clean practically all by himself for 3 consecutive days for me. Friday morning Micah decorated the apartment with streamers, I had delicious muffins for breakfast, we went shopping for some new capris (thanks Mom), had free cold stone ice cream for lunch, went indoor rock climbing (which I already want to go again and again), had pizza for dinner and shared grasshopper pie with our neighbors (layered oreos, mint ice cream, fudge and cool whip). We had a baby sitter for while we were rock climbing and she refused payment with a "happy birthday", thanks Emily! Eden was really good at finding A.B.C. gum at cold stone AND the pizza place. She'd point at it and say "hmmmmm". It was difficult to convince her it was 'yuckies'.
Micah gave me this video for my birthday. It's been a tradition that I sing and dance for him on his birthday, so this is what he came up with. I love it! But funny thing is, he's horrible at keeping secrets and gave it to me quite a bit earlier than May 29th. He was embarrassed for me to post it, but he's a champ to let me anyways.
Thanks to everyone for calling me, especially my parents-in-law in Japan. It made me feel really special hearing all your renditions of happy birthday!
Our computer has been out of commission for a couple of weeks, more pictures will come sooner than later.


Ruth said...

Happy happy birthday!! That video is awesome! Great job Micah! PS we love rock climbing too! We should go together sometime! Jared has gear and stuff.

Anonymous said...

Knowing what kind of work it takes to make a video, I would say that you are very loved Becky!! Great job Micah...way to anyone's heart!! Glad you had a wonderful birthday. Sure do love you three!

Unknown said...

Dangit Micah, you're making me look bad! Now Krystal is griping that I never do stuff like that for her...

Noriko Anderson said...

That is so cool... and he is making all husbands look bad... Now I want to see these high school dance pictures!!! I've never seen those!
and Happy birthday!! If i were closer, I would have dropped off an ice cream cone made of sand, or a cool bike accessory... or a jar for black widows.. or the list goes on..

Kelsey said...

Sounds like an awesome weekend! I hope your birthday was the happiest!

Kimberly said...

That is the coolest video ever! You've gotta cherish that for eternity. Happy Birthday indeed!

kjirsti said...

Happy happy birthday! What a awesome movie. I've never heard that song before, it's so perfect. Miss you guys-

Haven said...

That video was so cute! Don't be embarrassed, Micah. It was cute while still being manly. :) The effects were really cool. I liked it a lot. Happy Belated Birthday, Becky! I have the birthday list, but often my brain isn't functioning properly. :) Sounds like it was great! Give Eden a kiss from me and the kids!

Adespain said...

Happy Birthday Becky! Been thinking of you since Friday! That video was so cool. I'm glad you had such an awesome day!

lanita said...

That was THE sweetest movie/gift ever! It made me tear up, and it's not even my gift. What a lot of thought and work, Micah. And I agree with the other comments, that song was perfect. Way to go. Happy Birthday Becky! Duh.

Papa Beaver said...

We had so much fun with you; sorry we were the vectors of The Crud. Micah, the video get better every time I watch it! The panning in and 3-D effects are great. Of course the sentement is the best. Love to you 3.

Jen Bowen said...

What a fun birthday! I'm glad so many people came together to make it great for you. That video was very impressive :)

Alyson said...

Happy belated birthday! Micah did a great job on the video. What an awesome birthday gift!

John & Peggy said...

Well, Micah and Becky, what fun it was to see you two again. Micah, I didn't know you could sing so well. And Rebecca, you still look beautiful and wow, now you are a mother with a beautiful child. Micah, many of the people here in Bulgaria still remember you. We have lived in Plovdiv our whole mission; what a wonderful country. Where are you living now? We hope to visit with you and tell you of all the changes in the mission when we return in July. Love, Elder and Sister Andersen.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is the sweetest thing I've ever seen! (and believe me, I've been surprised with very sweet presents for my birthdays!) but this is beautiful, and fun and original! (and requires a lot of talent!)

Happy belated birthday, Becky!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

OH Becky and Micah, I JUST LOVE THAT VIDEO! I just hollered to Ande at the back of the house to come and see it. Oh my goodness. I just loved it.

Happy Late Birthday Becky.

HeavenlyEvelyn said...

The video is amazing. I've really missed you guys. I hope to see you someday in Washington. I really love it here.