I've hit the time when I need to be more pro-active in my parenting. Eden isn't so fond of playing with play do all day, or taking the same walks every time, or even eating the same lunch frequently. Eden is needing more creative activities. Her mind is learning faster, and she's picking up most anything I give her or teach her. This dawned on me particularly during the holidays. I forget to acknowledge to Eden that they are approaching or what some of the traditions are. My friend Suzy showed Eden how to trace her hand into a turkey. My friend Jen talked to her about groundhogs day and that they are 'afraid' of their shadows. My other friend Jen reminded me that she was doing valentines cookies with her kids and giving them to her neighbors. So I'd like to announce, I'm branching out! Eden now helps put the groceries in the cart instead of straddling her in the cart. She can peel her own stickers off the paper. She has an apron the help cook in the kitchen and can put her own plate on the counter. In our Family nights we teach gospel stories and principles that she's familiarizing herself with.
Thank goodness for friends and neighbors that tutor me and are great examples to me! Not to mention older sisters and a Mommy! Wish me luck as I try to keep up with my 2 year old!
kudos! I wish you the best of luck... maybe just stick with one child though... it seems like once I had two, my ambitions went out the window... now just getting them lunch is a chore!!! things were SO much easier with just Ethan! How have you guys been! we need to get together again!
You are a GREAT Mother!
Living here is great because we get to see so many moms in action!(including you!)
Yes they suddenly go from babies that watch and play to little people that want to DO! You are both super parents and one of the best indicators of that is your willingness to learn as you go!!
Oh boy, doesn't the McFly hit us all! It can be painful to have little "helpers" helping me so much, but well worth it when I slow down to enjoy it!
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