Thursday, 20 October 2011

Fun in Milville

This was a awesome trip to Logan! Rachel really spoiled us, with homemade bread bowls, candy, Eden's favorite popcorn that she'll come to expect from her aunty Ray-Ray if she's not careful, walks together, hiking, Mike's special salsa, and milkshakes galore! I love my nephews/niece. It was especially fun to see Eden and Elsie glance at each other unsure then take off to the play room. Those two have come a long way since 3 years ago when Eden couldn't even look at Elsie without tears. Thank you weather for giving us optimal bonding environment! On our way home we stopped by our ancestors' graves/memorial in Ogden/Harrisville. Namely for Pleasant Green Taylor and Clarissa Lake Taylor (whom Cosette was named after, as you can see on her headstone she went by Clara). They were Latter-Day Saint Pioneers and have given me a rich heritage to learn about. The memorial for Pleasant is located on a plot of land he owned that he donated to the church to build a chapel on. It's still church owned today. Just looking at these photos inspires a feeling in me that just makes me happy. I probably look at them twice a day.

Updates on the kiddos:
Eden: Her bike busted, she seems content enough to run around the quad however! And I don't have to cringe on all those fast turns she makes.
Cosette: Starting to show some frustration at a toy that is just out of her reach. Which is remarkable because she's so mellow I thought she'd not work up the motivation to crawl for some time. she's experimenting more on her belly, it's just so exciting! She's playing with her voice more too.
Micah: says he just produce and directed the best thing on his reel yet! a Fed-Ed promo.
Me: experimented in the kitchen this week with pears and apples (thanks rach). The applesauce turned out tasty, but the jam and pie could be improved!!!


jmbhappy said...

Sounds like a great day with family (on both sides of the veil)!! Kids sure look cute...missing them!!! That Cozy is growing up too fast!
Next time you are in the Millville Cemetery...Micah you have relatives buried there too!! Looking forward to seeing everyone over the holidays!!
Hugs to all!!

Holly said...

We thought the jam was de-lish!!!

Jon and Amy Duvall said...

You are so beautiful! You look so much like your mom. The girls are adorable, I loved all those milestones the kids make, it keeps me on my toes.

Mama Tales said...

I wish I could have been there....if just to watch!

Ammon said...

That is a very confused-looking infant.

Stephanie said...

I love how Eden and Elsie have the same expression when the curlers are in their hair.
Your family picture is SO nice!

Crump Family said...

Rebecca, your family is beautiful. Miss and love you. Autumn

Adespain said...

Becky!! I love your family pic. Eden is just as sweet looking as ever. Cozy is a DOLL! I just want to kiss those cheeks!

Clark perrins said...

good form me today your kids we love it bigger is for you