Sunday, 26 May 2013

collaged life

Eden loves to stack these every day
  Welcome to the Brown life collage!  Here are some highlights of the last couples hem...months.  An annual rock exhibit in Spanish Fork that I was interested in checking out.  It was huge!  And my Eden was equally ecstatic-she and I ran around to look at everything.  That was so much fun to share common interests.  Then we came home and called Poppy to share our excitements with him too!

 Over six months ago Eden was saving her money for this alien jello eitopsy toy.  We had worked hard at diverting her attention to other wonderful things and I thought it had worked....picture is my evidence it didn't.
 Our baby is a boy and we are hoping to meet him around the 5 of August!  Everything about him appears healthy.  He's treating me nicely too.
 One of our last walks among the cemetery neighbors :(  Micah's work had relocated (only a little) and our landlord had requested his renters leave the home rather than renewing our contract.  It was good timing for us.  But rather than hunting for another apartment-we found a home to purchase!  Wow, it's been a fun and wild ride.  I love LOVE our new home.  We love learning how to be home owners on it-but I"m sure it's wishing for it's own new residents.
 Michelle invited us to Easter at her house!  It was lovely.  She even fed us an AMAZING dinner.  I was perfect because we didn't have to spend Easter in an echoed boxed home.  Thanks sis.
 Ironically our timing was perfect in moving.  We've had more visiters in the last couple months than in most of the year spans we've lived in utah!  It's been marvelous!  Especially I loved the timing since it's taken me time to make new friends.  So here are the Bells we got to see! 

 Here's Ariel and Doyle Brown.  It made conference weekend much more rousing!  I loved the time spent with them. Grandpa's airplane was so novel to Cosette that now all airplanes she sees makes her talk about him. 

 I even got to see my friend Stephanie from Washington! She's got two little kiddos and we had a blast all of us 'playing'

 I have a friend that lives right close to me from nursing school and we've had a great time 'playing' too!

 We had a Wymount Reunion with many of our friends

At Cosy's birthday we had lots of fun spending our day in the mind of a two year old!  I've got a cousin, Janessa, that lives really close too!!!  She and her four wonderful kiddos came to celebrate with us!
Then my sister surprised us! Rachel and Mike brought me a piano.  A very special piano that they held onto for years for me.  I don't know how to write the words of how kind it was of them to do this for us.  They went so out of their way for me.  This is little Anna and my kiddos crawling around-I  failed to take any good pictures.  

 Then for big excitement!  Michelle graduated!  We got to have paaaaarty time with all the Nelsons getting together.

Just a few pictures around the house now.  

Cosette loves to play in the "flowers" and drop them down interestingly discovered holes
Eden loves to talk to her "broccoli"  that is prevalent all over

May first and we had snowflakes!
The tulip festival!  Wanting to try my panorama function
The pet store near by.  The kiddos have a current  obsession with cats

Lastly, playdo fun and photo of Cosy's first pig tales.  They don't stay in long.  But it worked!

Thanks for viewing the Brown collage!


Michelle said...

Oh this was a blast! Thanks for posting! I love how cozy is looking over her glasses in that last picture as if she can't move her head.

Mama Tales said...

I loved this post!!! You have had a true adventure this past few months and I love seeing it through pictures!!!!!

Jenny Robbins said...

Hooray for more babies! And hooray for having a boy! So exciting that you bought a house. Now that we're this neck of the woods we'll have to get together and catch up!